Minister of Higher Education Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi honours the representatives of the Jusoor program at the University of Basra

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, honoured the representatives and graduates of the (Jusoor) program and initiative at the University of Basra, represented by the Director of the Student Affairs and Registration Department, Dr. Shukri Shaker Faleh, the Director of the Missions and Public Relations Department, Mr. Jabbar Amin, and a number of professors and employees.

In his speech during the honouring ceremony of the Jusoor project, which was held in cooperation with the World Food Programme of the United Nations, the Minister noted that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is responsible for the task of providing all public and private sector institutions with outputs eligible for employment and employment.

He pointed out that the ministry focusses on the responsibility of expanding the horizons of this type of initiatives that pave the way for job opportunities and enable the graduate segment to draw a specific path for their goals in obtaining jobs that meet their ambition and suit their scientific and academic achievement.