In order to ensure the success of the examination process, the Director of the Registration and Student Affairs Department follows up on the progress of final examinations at the College of Medicine.

As part of a series of follow-ups carried out by Professor Dr. Shukri Shaker Faleh, Director of the Registration and Student Affairs Department and member of the Central Committee for Supervising Final Examinations at the University of Basra, through his daily follow-up of the final exams for primary studies students, with the participation of Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Kazem Baqir, Assistant Practical Dean at the College of Medicine, and Dr. Alaa Khattar. Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at the College of Medicine
Shukri was briefed on the reality of the exams and inspected the services provided by the college dean to students, the atmosphere of the exams, the nature of the questions, the extent of their methodology and suitability for the students, and he directed to overcome all difficulties that the students may face and stressed on creating the appropriate climate for them.

Shukri stressed the need to follow up on the problems that students may face while taking exams, as well as providing students with a position of absence and attendance, while taking into account difficult humanitarian situations, directing the supervising committees to the need to adhere to the recommendations and decisions of the Ministry of Education and the examination committees.

Shukri praised the efforts made by the examination committees and college professors to make the examinations successful, praising the students’ awareness and high commitment to the directives of the university presidency, wishing them continued success, progress and success.